A one-component, fast-cure highperformance construction joint sealant and adhesive. RLA FLEX PRO-PU is a thixotropic moisture-curing Polyurethane sealant /adhesive with high mechanical strength and excellent resistance to weathering.
APPLICATIONS AFTEK® FLEX -PRO PU is designed for use on: - Construction joints - Expansion joints on heavy and light precast concrete panels - Expansion joints in buildings - Joints in precast & tilt up concrete panels - Perimeter sealing around window and door frames - Curtain walls - Sealing of penetrations in walls or floors - Retaining walls - Brick work, ceramics, stone, granite & marble - Sanitary applications - Other substrates including, anodised aluminium, steel, glass, dry timbers, some tiles (Always test adhesion to substrate before starting project)
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Torch Applied Membrane
Torch On Membrane
suitable for Tanking, Foundations, Basements, Footing, Retaining Walls, Kitchen, Bathrooms, balconies and covered roofs.
suitable for Tanking, Foundations, Basements, Footing, Retaining Walls, Kitchen, Bathrooms, balconies and covered roofs.
Bituminous Primer
POLYPRIMER is recommended to block the dust and the porosity of concrete surfaces allowing the quick application of the bituminous polymer membranes, both with flame application and cold bonding with bituminous sealants or with self- adhesive membranes.
POLYPRIMER allows quick film drying, has an excellent penetration and adhesion to the support for the absence of surface stickiness.

Bituminous water based primer which helps block dust and reduces concrete porosity. The product provides good adhesion, penetration of the substrate
and above all that it is formulated with water, therefore it is not flammable and is not dangerous to use. The product is odorless.
Chemical composition
Bituminous primer composed of bitumen in water emulsion and additives.
Download DATA SHEET here.